Rhythm and Praise Charitable Fund

Tru Serva

Marcus Montana, known as TRU-SERVA to his music audience, is a passionate man whose mission is to help others find true life.

Tru Serva

“My mom actually was a rapper,” he said. “She never tried to pursue it as a career or anything, but my uncle was a DJ who would DJ all over the place, and my mom would kind of go along with him and help him out and kind of host events and things like that. She would rap and stuff.”

“I started to share some spoken words and maybe a song here and there,” he recalled. “[I] started to see how the Lord can use the music to minister to people.”

During his last year of college, Montana moved off campus and used the security deposit from his old place to record his first album. While other students enjoyed their Spring Breaks, Montana spent the entire week in a studio in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, recording his first album.

The Rhythm and Praise Charitable Fund is a Fiscally sponsored project of United Charitable, a registered 501(c)(3) Public Charity.